Thursday, January 6, 2011

The New Year a New Card

Tis the season for remembering to bring your new insurance card to your next doctor's appointment.  Not doing so can be disastrous.  It's a huge waste of time an money for an office to file with the wrong insurance carrier or with incorrect insurance identification numbers.  January 1 usually marks the time that any updates to your insurance policy take effect and new cards get mailed out to patients.  Even if you think nothing has changed with your ID number it doesn't mean your benefits didn't change.  Copays, Coinsurance, and deductibles often vary from year to year with policies that are carried through an employer.  If you're not sure your policy changed or if you haven't gotten your new cards in the mail this week (first week of January), call your HR department or your insurance carrier and ask.

An interesting article on Medicare and how we pay into the system...

Questions? Comments? Complaints?

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